Sunday, February 8, 2009
Rest of Friday he ate ok... tried some pasta and such. No puke at night again! (woohoo, it must be over, right?)
Well, Saturday he had a good day... well... that is until he puked up tons of stuff.. That was around 4:15-ish time. He as a complete crank after that until about 6:30.
I should add he had 7 poopie diapers (1 exploded out but luckily he had on pants so I saved me floors) still liquidy.
Well, he woke at 5:45 and was hungry. I made him 8oz and went to give it to him and he had poop again. So I changed poop, he drank his bottle and went back to sleep (it was dark out).
He's still asleep although with his psycho brothers being up before 6 as well, I don't know how!
Monday I think I am gonna demand blood work be done on him. This isn't normal!
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