Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, no puke last night (1st time in 6 nights). He woke up and had a few ounces of formula. He didn't want breakfast. I offered him juice and still wasn't impressed. He took a nap on the floor after being a total crab. After he wake up, he had a poo explosion! I cleaned him up and gave him a bath. He happily then played naked on my clean bed. I offered him another bottle and he pooped again. So 2 liquid poopies so far today. He drank maybe an ounce of juice and 8 ounces of formula so far (normally i would be close to 16 ounces plus juice plus breakfast and snack). He has been much sign on a few Multigrain Cheese puffs.... hey, at least it's something!


Anonymous said...

let me know if there is anything i can do.