Thursday, December 18, 2008

Owen is getting better. His ear still hurts him a lot if he isn't dosed up on Tylenol. He takes Tylenol every 4-6 hours while awake. He takes at;most a teaspoon of Amoxicillin when he wakes up and goes to bed. Mid-day he takes baby probiotics in his bottle to help his stomach (which wasn't faring to well to medication) and his poop issue (which comes from using Amoxi). He doesn't have a fever anymore (hasn't since Monday) and he, like my other 2, get a rash from a high fever getting out of his body. So, here is my poor boy on day 2 of his rash. He looks so sad, huh?


Anonymous said...

what a cute you have there..
he looks so uncomfortable and like he doesn't feel well at all!!!

Oh, i just want to hold him!