Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So I leave at 9am to bring my kids to school. My mom watched Owen today since he isn't well (no need to drag him out). Then after school, I went to Maureen's (she is my Sister-in-law who lives around teh block) because she was doing my hair (I decided to do subtle highlights and cut my hair). Anyway... I get home at 11:45, make sure my baby is ok and off I go to pick up my kids from school. We get home just before 1 and now I gotta make lunch and put the baby to nap up in his crib. It is now, at 11:15, I get to check e-mail and then run downstairs with my monitor to begin making cookies for Tonight. My mom comes over at 4:45 and we leave here at 5:00-ish to go BACK to school for their Christmas pageant at 6:00... It's gonna be a long day. And Owen is still in [rain with his earache.. poor bugger!